About Me

I did my Ph.D. in Informatics and System Engineering at the University of Zaragoza, Spain. Since 2022, I am working as a Research Engineer at Ikerlan in Basque Country, Spain. My latest research is oriented to event-based cameras from hardware perspective, working in algorithms near-to-sensor to be efficienly implemented in hardware architectures as FPGAs. My research interest focuses on heterogeneous systems, using CPU, GPU and FPGA devices. In FPGAs, I have experience in High Level Desing with C/C++ and OpenCL programming languages.
In 2017, I got a scholarship from Santander bank and University of Zaragoza for PhD studies. In 2019, I spend 3 months in the Technische Universität Dresden with a HiPeac collaboration grant.
From 2014 and 2017, I was working on digital and analog design of electronic circuits in SENA (National Service of Education), Colombia, as a developer in projects for SMEs. In 2014, I got my Master degree as Electronic Engineer in the University of Valle, Colombia, with a research focus on parallelization of optimization algorithms, such as metaheuristics, on GPU devices using CUDA.



Maria Angélica Dávila Guzmán, Rubén Gran Tejero, María Villarroya Gaudó, Darío Suaréz Gracia. Analytical Model for Memory-Centric High Level Synthesis-Generated Applications IEEE Transactions on Computers . 2021

Maria Angélica Dávila Guzmán, Rubén Gran Tejero, María Villarroya Gaudó, Darío Suaréz Gracia. An Analytical Model of Memory-Bound Applications Compiled with High Level Synthesis. ArXiv e-print . 2020

Maria Angélica Dávila Guzmán, Raúl Nozal, Rubén Gran Tejero, María Villarroya Gaudó, Darío Suaréz Gracia, Jose Luis Bosque . Cooperative CPU, GPU, and FPGA heterogeneous execution with EngineCL. The Journal of Supercomputing . 2019

Rafaél D. Villarroel, Diego F. García, M. Angélica Dávila, Eduardo F. Caicedo. Particle swarm optimization vs genetic algorithm, application and comparison to determine the moisture diffusion coefficients of pressboard transformer insulation. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation . 2015

Maria Angélica Dávila, Wilfredo Alfonso, Eduardo F. Caicedo. Arquitectura heterogénea para el procesamiento de algoritmos de enjambres. TecnoLógicas . 2014


Maria Angélica Dávila Guzmán, Lester Kalms, Rubén Gran Tejero, María Villarroya Gaudó, Darío Suaréz Gracia, Diana Göehringer. A Cross-Platform OpenVX Library for FPGA Accelerators 29th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP2021) .Valladolid, Spain (Online). 2021

Maria Angélica Dávila Guzmán, Rubén Gran Tejero, María Villarroya Gaudó, Darío Suaréz Gracia, Jose Luis Bosque. Memory aware co-execution in heterogeneous systems with CPU and FPGA devices. International Conference on Computationa and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE) . Costa Ballena, Cádiz, Spain. 2020

Maria Angélica Dávila Guzmán, Rubén Gran Tejero, María Villarroya Gaudó, Darío Suaréz Gracia. An Analytical Model of Memory-Bound Applications Compiled with High Level Synthesis (Poster). The 28th IEEE International Symposium On Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM) . Fayetteville, Arkansas,USA (Online). 2020

Maria Angélica Dávila Guzmán, Rubén Gran Tejero, María Villarroya Gaudó, Darío Suaréz Gracia. Towards the Inclusion of FPGAs on Commodity Heterogeneous Systems. 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS) . Orleans, France. 2018

Maria Angélica Dávila Guzmán, Raúl Nozal, Rubén Gran Tejero, María Villarroya Gaudó, Darío Suaréz Gracia, Jose Luis Bosque . First Steps Towards CPU, GPU, and FPGA Parallel Execution with EngineCL. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE) . Cadiz, Spain. 2018

Maria Angélica Dávila Guzmán, Rubén Gran Tejero, María Villarroya Gaudó, Darío Suaréz Gracia. Caracterización de una FPGA sobre un sistema heterogéneo usando OpenCL. Jornadas de la sociedad de Arquitectura y Tecnología de computadoras (SARTECO) . Teruel, Spain. 2018

Maria Angélica Dávila Guzmán, Jose F. Pérez, Jorge E. Moreno, W. Mantilla. Diseño de una red inalámbrica tipo ZigBee para la implementación de un sistema domótico. Annual Meeting on Innovation Technology and Engineering 2016 y publicación en la revista electrónica de ciencia e ingeniería del Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Coatzacoalcos. . Coatzacoalcos, México. 2016

Maria Angélica Dávila Guzmán, Wilfredo Alfonso, Eduardo F. Caicedo Algoritmo de enjambre de partículas sobre una plataforma multi-GPU con arquitectura CUDA. 1er Congreso Internacional de Robótica y Computación . Los Cabos, México. 2013

Conferences as Co-Author

Training and Summer Schools

Comprehensive digital IC implementation and sign-off. The microelectronics support centre science and technology facilities council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. January, 2024. Bilbao, Spain.

Embodied Neuromorphic AI for Robotic Perception. ICRA 2023. 29 May 2023. London, UK.

FPGA Design Certification (valid one year). Xilinx. January, 2023. (Online) .

Sixteenth International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems. 6-17 of July, 2020. (Online).

ACM Europe Summer School on HPC Architectures for AI and Dedicated Applications. 17-24 of July, 2019. Barcelona, Spain.

Fourteenth International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems 8-18 of July, 2018. Fiuggy, Italy.

Programming and Tuning Massively Parallel Systems + Artificial Intelligence summer school 16-20 of July, 2018. Barcelona, Spain.


HiPEAC paper Award . For publishing in FCCM2020, conference in which Europe is not strongly represented. 2021.

HiPEAC Collaboration Grant. 3 months in Technische University of Dresden supervised by Diana Göehringer. November 2019 to February 2020. Dresden, Germany.

Santander Bank and University of Zaragoza Latin-American Ph.D Grant. 2017-2019. Zaragoza, Spain.

University of Valle Excellence in bachelor of Electronic Engineer. Four times. 2004-2010. Cali, Colombia.

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Contact Me

Email angelicadg@unizar.es